Jingle all the Way 1996 TWENTIETH CENTURY FOX, DIRECTED BY BRIAN LEVANT Starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Rita Wilson, Phil Hartman & Sinbad There is just something about ‘Jingle all the Way’ that keeps me coming back. Ive seen it a hundred times now, stemming back to the mid 90’s, and it still is a must during the holiday season. Granted, there’s a lot of things in the movie that rub people the wrong way. Possibly predictability, or a bad cast. But, to me, there’s more underneath the surface that makes it special. Maybe your thinking the same thing I thought. ’How can a Christmas movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger be any good?’ I initially had zero interest in watching this movie. I remember when my parents brought it home. If my memory serves me correct, I was expecting a different movie all together. Apparently the one I had asked for was sold out, so they bought this one instead. I remember being very adamant about not wanting to watch it, presuming it to be a cheesy, and transparently told story. And although it is a little on the cheesy side, the chemistry among Arnold and Phil Hartman keeps me in stitches. Howard is a busy man. Always rushing at work, and seemingly never able to keep his promises to his family. After missing one of his son’s most important karate shows, he promises to get him exactly what he wants for Christmas, a Turbo Man action figure. But Howard learns that he was supposed to get one weeks before. Every toy store is sold out. Howard is pitted against Myron, a mail-man with the same dilemma, rushing from store to store. And at Howard’s house, his neighbor Ted is making the moves on his wife Liz. Howard takes the final step and keeps his Christmas promise, but in a way that no one would ever have expected. So where did the movie go wrong? To my surprise, its not the fact that Arnold Shwarzenegger is cast in the leading role. I believe he did a fair job. Honestly, I think it merely lies in the aforementioned “predictability” and “dialogue”. A lot of the scenes feel so expected, the dialogue so rehearsed. One cast member in particular, Howard’s son Jaime, wore on me as the movie went on. Being a young actor has to be a factor, but he just doesn’t fit in. Despite the lackluster reviews and all the scoffing that goes on whenever this film is mentioned, I still like it. Its one of those movies that you watch to restore Christmas spirit, or just for some laughs. When I heard that it was being released on DVD eight years after its VHS release, I made sure to get one. I believe its available in a double pack with Home Alone as well. But alone, Its one that I want to last for years to come MOUNT CRUMPIT RATING: 3 / 5 |